Many reviews, including the New York Times, have commented on the development of her work. Jennifer Dunning states "from her signature 1983 “Set and Reset,” which opens the program, to the lushly beautiful “how long does the subject linger on the edge of the volume ...,” a 2005 collaboration with the interactive media artists Paul Kaiser, Shelley Eshkar and Marc Downie. The evanescent flutter-and-wheel of “Set” has become rooted, gutsy movement by “robots” time, the eight dancers tilting solidly, like off-balance Merce Cunningham performers". This reviewed her new piece at the time "I Love My Robots". While watching this piece, I am taken by her transformation into the new age, and using technology and all of her resources to create dance.
Trisha Brown and her company have a way of "flirting with gravity" as Joanna Kleinberg says in Frieze Magazine. She observes Brown's exploration into other art forms, such as abstract art.
The comments and quotations used are great. Your links are really good. I like the "I Love My Robots." It was creative on Trisha Brown's part to think of something like that. The moving poles were abstrcat to the dancer's and dancers' movments. I find it very fascinating and creative in that since.